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Saturday, 4 July 2015

Fifth Factor: Exploitation of the fears of Communism + Reorganisation of the Nazi Party

Exploitation of the fears of Communism
 He used propaganda to spread fear about the aims of the Communists. He said that the communists were only interested in disorder and starting a revolution in Germany. The communists would take away the rich people such as the landowners’ and leading industrialists’ property away and give them to the workers. 

Hitler also stressed that the Nazi Party was the only political party that could provide order and prevent the communists from setting up a communist dictatorship like the one in Russia. As a result, many rich people gave financial support to the Nazis as they wanted an anti-communist government. 

Also, Hitler made a promise to the farmers and businessmen that he would help them if he got into power. Hence with strong financial support, he was able to build an army called the SA. In the 1930s, there were unemployment, thus the economy were shattered causing much unrest. Hitler fought against the communist to break up their meetings, thus many began to feel the need for Nazis to bring order back into their communities. Promises were given that those unemployed will be given help as well those who suffered economic losses.
Reorganisation of the Nazi Party

 After Hitler’s release from prison, he concentrated his efforts in reorganising the Nazi Party. Initially, the Nazi Party has few supports from people. However with these three methods (increasing the Party membership, establishing the SA and SS, and also used Nazi propaganda), Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany due to the way he reorganised the Nazi Party.
Increased memberships
Membership grew to 100,000 by 1933. Set up youth organisations and created Hitler Youth in the 1920s.

The SA and SS                                      
 Extra income helped Hitler strengthen the SA. Membership grew to 100,000 by 1933. SA gave the impression of the Nazis having strength and order. The SS were Hitler’s personal bodyguards who also intimidated and showed order. The SA and SS broke up Communist Party meetings, which gained support of anti-communists. Also, the SA and SS broke up strikes, which gained the support of the industrialists.

 Hitler also used propaganda to reorganise the Nazi Army. Goebbels is the propaganda manager for Nazis. Easy scapegoats for Germany’s problems are the Jews, Communists, and the Weimar Republic for signing the Treaty of Versailles. In the 1930s, Hitler’s speeches were reported in 120 Nazi newspapers and was widely read. Most up-to-date technology used, including the radio, films, and gramophone records. Hitler kept in the public eye, always looking. Hitler flew by plane to different cities, allowing him to make speeches in up to 5 cities a day. Hitler created a clear image of strength for the party. Hitler is passionate. The spectacle mass of Nazi rallies. The impressive power of the SA and SS. Deliberately appealed to people’s emotion rather than intellect.



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