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Sunday, 5 July 2015

Sixth Factor: Charisma and oratorical skills + Skillfulness at making deals with the politicans

Charisma and Oratorical skills

Hitler was a powerful speaker and communicator with a strong belief in himself. Firstly, He prepared and practiced his speeches beforehand, he knows how to gauge the mood of the audience, had the energy to do three to four speeches in a day. He appeared sincere to the people. Secondly, he made beer hall speeches. He knew people there were at ease and easily swayed. He always start his speeches logically and calm and only began to rant and rave when the audience got drunk. Lastly, he addressed people’s concerns. He knew what people concerns are and found the solutions to it. He used ‘November criminals’, communists and the Jews as scapegoats for Germany’s ills. Hitler also used his charisma and oratorical skills to his advantage in justifying the Germans' resent towards the Treaty of Versailles and sought to destroy the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler's ideologies were well-received by the German people. He aimed to reclaim national pride by speaking of establishing a greater Germany. In order to achieve his aims, he decided to re-organize the Nazi Party to make it strong. It would then be able to capture the hearts of the Germans in elections. Under Hitler's leadership; the Nazi Party became more efficient and gained the respect of voters. Hitler was able to gather the support of the Germans as he knew exactly what to say. Hitler's speeches and the way he was portrayed convinced many Germans that he was able to bring Germany to greatness .Hitler used propaganda very effectively. Hitler told people what they wanted to hear. And he offered the only realistic alternative to the extremism of the Communist party at the time. Both Hitler and Goebbels did such a good job, that Hitler was able to gain the position of Chancellor, allowing him to legally take over the government and complete his revolution.His speeches are masterpieces. He outlines people and conditions.

Hitler was good in his speeches. Hitler gave the Germans exactly what they needed which the Wiemar government failed to accomplish. This helped Hitler to garner support. If you watch closely, you would see that Hitler made use of simple yet strong words to invoke emotions of the audience, stressing certain words to get his point across. Hitler also used appropriate hand gestures throughout his speech to emphasize too. He appeared to be energetic thus making the people who are listening know he is not lying and trust him.

Hitler's skillfulness at making deals with the politicians
Hitler traveled the country delivering numerous major speeches, attending meetings which were organized by Joseph Goebbels. He was one of the key reasons why Hitler became famous. Hitler busied himself by meeting notable figures from each group, asking them about their suggestions. In January 1932, he gave speeches to industrialists in the Ruhr (Coal Mine) and pledged his commitment to provide capital and state support for large corporations. Many used their power within the citizens to support Hitler, while some provided hefty political donations so the NSDAP could continue its propaganda campaign during the Great Depression. At a meeting with The Reichswehr (army) generals in February 1932, Hitler promised to expand and re-arm the military, opposing the restrictions imposed by Versailles.
Hitler offered a very important thing to everyone: work to the unemployed; prosperity to failed business people; profits to industry; expansion to the Army; He promised to bring order amid chaos; a feeling of unity to all and the chance to belong, He also promised to end payment of war reparations to the Allies; tear up the treaty of Versailles and deal harshly with the Jews. Through this, he is able to gain the support of the citizens
Hitler’s position was stronger than many believed. Although Hindenburg disliked Hitler, there was no realistic alternative available. Few leading politicians supported the Weimar system of democracy; many feared a communist revolution.
In his first months as Chancellor, Hitler instituted what historians have called a ‘legal revolution’ to extend and strengthen his control. One of his first actions was to persuade President Hindenburg to call new elections to the Reichstag. In doing so, Hitler hoped to improve the number of seats held by the Nazi Party to create a government with the necessary majority to make changes to the Weimar constitution legally.
The election campaign lasted for five weeks. Hitler used this time not only to spread his propaganda message about the benefits of Nazi control, but also to undermine his greatest political enemies - the communists. He also persuaded President Hindenburg to allow the government to ban some of their political meetings and newspapers on the grounds.
In conclusion, although Hitler used many propaganda to help him rise, he was still respected by many as he was great in his speeches and he knew what to do at the right time therefore he won the trust and respect from the Germans.


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